Family Page
Vital Statistics
The Family Page
as Listed in the Windmill Herald,
#595, September 16, 1987
HYLKEMA - BLOW, Francis & Jennifer Lynn, Chilliwack, BC, Aug. 1; WYNGAARDEN - BOSCH, Sipke & Susan, Abbotsford, BC, Aug. 7; VANASSEN - VIERSEN, Jerold Anthony & Sharon Elizabeth, Neerlandia, AB, Aug. 7; DYKSTRA - SCHUT, Richard & Yvonne, St. Catharines, ON, Aug. 22; RANDALL - ROZEMA, Dale Lorne & Sandra Darlene, Bowmanville, ON, Aug. 22; BREIMER - KRUIDHOF, Edward & Johanna, Niagara Falls, ON, Aug. 22; BOONSTRA - COOK, Arnold & Karen, Ancaster, ON, Aug. 28; RIDDER - DEJONG, John Arend & Charlene Anita, Kitchener, ON, Aug. 29; VANDERVAART - LANGENDOEN, Richard Theodore & Carolyn Joyce, St. Catharines, ON, Aug. 29; SPRIENSMA - SCHOON, Oebele & Elaine Christine, Brampton, ON, Aug. 29; STIEVA - VANNEUTEGEM, Leonard Kelvin & Jacqueline Ann, Burlington, ON, Sep. 5; HAAN - KORNELIUS, Harvey Kenneth & Arlene Helen, Chilliwack, BC, Sep. 11;WALSTRA (Feenstra), Cornelis & Ytje, Brunssum, Limb./ Vancouver, BC, Jul. 21, 50th; VANVLIET (Vreeling), Cors & Corrie, Edmonton, AB, Jul. 30, 40th; VANDERMOLEN (Moolbroek), Henk & Frieda, Emmen, Dr./ St. Catharines, ON, Aug. 12, 40th; FRANSMAN (Gorter), Clarence & Dorothy, Burbank, IL, Aug. 15, 25th; HOUWELING (Van Ardenne), Cornelus & Alida, Burnaby, BC, Aug. 18, 55th; PASTOOR (Smeding), Charles & Ruth, Oak Park, IL, Aug. 18, 25th; BEELEN (Dyke), Howard & Vonnie, Holland, MI, Aug. 19, 40th;
WORST (Brandt), Clarence & Ethel, Grand Rapids, MI, Aug. 20, 50th; WEEMHOFF (Schultze), Neal & Elaine, Grand Rapids, MI, Aug. 20, 40th; VANDERLUGT (Stuurwold), Gerrit & Pearl, Kalamazoo, MI, Aug. 21, 45th; DOORNBOS, Hendrik & Tineke, Smithers, BC, Aug. 21, 25th; KUIPER (Greenfield), Art & Helena, Waupun, WI, Aug. 22, 40th; SEINEN (Top), James & Dena, Grand Rapids, MI, Aug. 25, 50th;
BENGELINK (Brouwer), Henry & Pearl, Grand Rapids, MI, Aug. 26, 50th; BERGHORST (Nyhof), Simon & Gertrude, Hudsonville, MI, Aug. 26, 40th; KOOI (Selles), James & Helene, Grand Rapids, MI, Aug. 26, 40th; DELEEUW (VanderPol), Johannes Floris & Janet, Abbotsford, BC, Aug. 27, 25th; HENSTRA (VanderVeen), Tjeerd & Helen, Newmarket, ON, Aug. 28, 40th; DEHAAN (Groen), Evert & Grietje, Surrey, BC, Aug. 29, 45th; GLASHOWER, Lewis & Alice, Grandville, MI, Aug. 29, 60th; DENBESTEN (Ras), Calvin & Ardith, Jenison, MI, Aug. 30, 30th; SPYKER (Groothuis), Albert & Agnes, Wyoming, MI, Aug. 31, 50th; RIDDER (Keizer), Ben & Etta, Westchester, IL, Aug. 31, 60th; LOEROP (Feyen), William & Alice, Elmhusrt, IL, Aug. 31, 60th; MEYER (Weeber), George & Winnifred, Gemert, N.Br./ Mayertorpe, AB, Sep., 25th; BOUWKAMP (Veenstra), William & Albertha, Byron Center, MI, Sep. 1, 50th; KAMSTRA (Bonvanie), Harry & Jane, Kleinburg, ON, Sep. 1, 25th; BANNING (Visser), Arnold & Madeline, Whitsinville, MA, Sep. 1, 60th; VANVELDHUIZEN (Mohler), Dick & Kathy, Port Murray, NJ, Sep. 1, 25th; DYKEMA, Clarence & Deane, Zeeland, MI, Sep. 1, 50th; EENIGENBURG (DeYoung), Gene & Betty, Lansing, IL, Sep. 1, 25th; GREENFIELD (Tobak), Anthony & Allie, Waupun, WI, Sep. 1, 50th; SCHAAP (Daane), Gerard C. & Jeanette A., Sheboygan, WI, Sep. 1, 50th; VANDERIET (Farenhorst), Casper C. & Catherine W., Amsterdam/Toronto, Sep. 2, 50th; ROTMAN (Kuyers), Manes & Jerine, Holland, MI, Sep. 3, 55th; DEJONG (Feikema), Walter & Johanna, Jenison, MI, Sep. 3, 50th; VANWYK (Karel), Rev. Henry & Marilyn, Wyoming, MI, Sep.4, 40th; DEKREEK (Hoekstra), Richard & Kay, South Holland, MI, Sep. 4, 50th; TAMMING, John & Hilda, Thunder Bay, ON, Sep. 5, 25th; VOS (Tazelaar), John & Evelyn, Westchester, IL, Sep. 5, 40th; KOOIENGA (Huizinga), Willis & Beatrice, Loxahatche, FL, Sep. 5, 40th; BROUWER (Dykema), Richard & Alice, Holland, MI, Sep. 6, 65th; ALLSPACH (DeGroot), Marlyn & Marcia, Sep. 7, 25th; KRAMER (Kapteyn), Siert & Alice, Hudsonville, MI, Sep. 7, 65th;
VANDERLEEST (Denekamp), Jouke & Dina, Burlington, ON, Sep. 8, 45th; SEBENS (Koster), John & Carrie, Lynden, WA, Sep. 8, 50th; BOONSTRA - BETTEN, Jan & Grietje, Donkerbroek, Fr,/ Telkwa, BC, Sep. 9, 60th; BOENDER (VanderHoek), Arie & Willemijntje, Numansdorp/London, ON, Sep. 12, 50th; ALKEMA (VanderMeulen), Hendrik & Ike, Grimsby, ON, Sep. 16, 50th;
Wilbur Stursma, Pella, IA, May 17, 62; Gertie Sterk, Artesia, CA, Jun. 19, 85; Sadie Breen (VanZwol), Everett, WA, Jun. 26, 86; Ruth VanHouten, Grand Rapids, MI, Jul. 4, 75; Bernard Peter Boersema, Arlington, WA, Jul. 5, 58; Otis Hoekema, Manhattan, MT, Jul. 6, 103; A. Rooze, Jenison, MI, Jul. 8, 80; Henry J. Wissink, Boyden, IA, Jul. 8, 82; Rev. John Breuker, Grand Rapids, MI, Jul. 9, 89; Bertha VanderSluis, Holland, MI, Jul. 10, 80; Benjamin Clarence Bonnema, Byron Center, MI, Jul. 11, 64; Ben Boomsma, Grand Rapids, MI, Jul. 11, 84; Leonard F. Westra, Reading, MA, Jul. 12, 67; Fokke Fred Beintema, Burlington, ON, Jul. 17, 67; Everett L. Huizenga, Grand Rapids, MI, Jul. 16, 54; Robert G. Nikkel, Pella, IA, Jul. 20, 54; Hattie Verduin (Timmermans), Kentwood, MI, Jul. 21, 89; Anna Morren, Grand Rapids, MI, Jul. 23, 92; Christine Velzen (Hulsebos), Wyckoff, NJ, Jul. 23, 79; William Venema, Munster, IN, Jul. 24, 78; Albert Abraham Haaxma, Rotterdam/Vancouver, BC, Jul. 26, 81; Maartje Schuurman (Gutter), Andijk, Jul. 28, 90; Maartje Vonkeman (Dulfhuis), Barneveld/ Iron Springs, AB, Jul. 28, 81; Roelvina Borst (Mulder), Wyoming, MI, Jul. 28, 81; Johanna Aleida Tammel, Bloomfield, ON, Jul. 31, 60; Jeanne Beuzekom (Monsma), Grand Rapids, MI, Jul. 31, 83; Dorothy Brummel (Laninga), Grand Rapids, MI, Aug. 1, 84; John Stryker, Grandville, MI, Aug. 1, 93; Albertus Strijker, Goderich, ON, Aug. 4, 77; Albert Schonewille, New Westminster, BC, Aug. 19, 76; Berend Reitsema, Abbotsford, BC, Aug. 24, 44; Eleanor Gertrude Bykerk - Baroness Van Asbeck, Oakville, ON, Sep. 6, 57; Hank VanRooijen, Seaforth, ON, Sep. 7, 75;
Guido Smit, President & C.E.O. Bell Technical Services Inc., Toronto.