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Bakkerij ’t Stoepje buys out competitor De Broodpiraat
Tags: Excerpts from the Windmill
SPAKENBURG – Two area bakeries which had been competing with each other throughout the country and arguing before the courts, are now part of the same group that sells fresh bakery products through over 900 market stalls and portable outlets. Umbrella group Market Food, widely known for its brandname Bakkerij ’t Stoepje purchased competitor De Broodpiraat in nearby Bunschoten. Market Food has about 100 franchise holders with over 900 outlets, noted for their bright yellow colour scheme. The group started out 30 years ago with a small shop at Spakenburg’s flood-prone harbour area, where it adopted the brandname ’t Stoepje because of its high anti-flood entrance threshold. Spakenburg entrepreneurs have a love affair with markets. A number of them sell fish in market stalls, often dressed in their attractive traditional costumes.