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Transition to ninth generation complete at Floris Van Bommel
Tags: Excerpts from the Windmill
MOERGESTEL – Shoemaker Floris Van Bommel may not be as well known as such other Brabant-founded enterprises Philips, Unilever, Organon and truck manufacturer DAF, to name a few, but the company is in fact much older. The shoemaker gained media attention recently when the last available member of the ninth generation of Van Bommels joined the company’s management. The firm, which has been making shoes since 1734, has increasingly found a market in Germany where the footwear brand Floris Van Bommel is well known. The company now is run by designer Floris Van Bommel (34), his managing brother Reynier (36) and namesake Pepijn (30) who takes care of retail and online sales.