

News Articles

Majority supports dropping limitations with serious crime

Tags: Excerpts from the Windmill

THE HAGUE – The conservative liberal justice and security critic for the VVD, Premier Mark Rutte’s party, received majority backing for his call to abandon the statue of limitations for serious crimes, which in the Netherlands is now twelve years. Spokesman Ard van der Steur raised the matter during the parliamentary review of the budget for the Justice department, decrying a recent interview given by a member of the radical action group RaRa (Revolutionary Anti-Racism Action) who openly boasted of committing arson at outlets of the Makro chain in the 1980s. Although charged at the time, the activist was partially cleared for being involved in the crime and let go. The activist can no longer be charged due to the statue of limitations. The critic for the Christian Democrats, Madeleine Melisande van Toorenburg, is also advocating closer supervision of juveniles following their release from youth institutions when turning 18. A lawyer, she is seeking room for authorities to continue treatment following their release. Labour’s critic is seeking a measure, which would compel juveniles into compulsory education programs during detention and also following their release.