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Record proceeds at 1999 biennial Netherlands Bazaar
Group has stockings filled for season
Tags: Excerpts from the Windmill
THORNHILL, Ontario - The widely supported ‘Netherlands Bazaar’ has netted a record $110,000 at its recent one-day event, the last one planned for this century. A small army of volunteers pitched in to create a large indoor-Dutch market in just a few hours. They then manned the stalls and concessions where the thousands of visitors browsed for deals and could buy Dutch delicacies. The proceeds of the biennial bazaar will be used to provide ‘some sunshine’ needy members of the Dutch community in Ontario.
The Bazaar also serves as an opportunity for people to reacquaint and is one of the larger community events in Ontario. The Netherlands Bazaar spends over a year preparing for the day. Organizer Ge Spaans was quite amazed that so much of the merchandise was carted off by the public at the bazaar. Stocked to the brim, many of the centre's rooms were nearly empty when the event ended.
Spaans credited the media with raising the profile of the Netherlands Bazaar but reserved the warmest praise for other volunteers who devote so much of their time to specifically support the biennial fundraiser with crafts specifically made for the event. Many businesses donate goods and services to the Bazaar as well.
The Bazaar's board members have honed their skills in identifying the most needy in the Dutch community for special attention during the Christmas Season. Every year, numerous hampers with food and with other items, some of which again donated, are distributed throughout the province. The Committee also sponsors children from needy families for holidays in Summer Camps.
Ontarians who know of a family of Dutch extraction living under extreme financial hardship are requested to contact Committee ‘Netherlands Bazaar’, 15 Pavillion Street, Unionville, Ontario L3R 1N8 or at 1-905-477-1243. The group issues a questionnaire which must be completed and signed. All information remains strictly confidential.