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Unbelief and Revolution
God’s word illumines the darkness of society
by Groen van Prinsterer, Guillaume; Van Dyke, Harry, the original translator
The author’s book is a foundational work that deals with the inherent tension between religion and modernity. As a historian and politician, the author was intimately familiar with the growing divide between secular culture and the church in his time. Rather than embrace this division, these lectures, originally published in 1847, argue for a renewed interaction between the two spheres. His work served as an inspiration for many contemporary theologians, and as a mentor to theologian Abraham Kuyper, who went on to become Prime Minister of the Netherlands, the author had a profound impact on his student’s famous public theology.
For any who wish to trace the ideological DNA that has sired the revival of much of modern Calvinism, the release of this seminal work is long past due and welcome. Paternity is, after all, important. Do you wish to broaden your understanding of the roots of the tradition that arcs back to Schaeffer, Van Til, Bavinck, Dooyeweerd, and Kuyper? Then take up this incredible volume and read. Three decades after its initial publishing, once again readers may access this classic text that provides a prophetic and potent critique of modernity. —David W. Hall, Ph.D., Sr. Pastor, Midway Presb. Church, Powder Spings, GA
Are you a serious Christian alarmed about secularism? Then this volume gives you a powerful example of how it was once successfully met. Abraham Kuyper’s intellectual and cultural crusade against secularism was profoundly indebted to Groen van Prinsterer. This superb publication shows you how and why. You can neither adequately understand nor fully appreciate Kuyper, his associates, or the movement he mounted against the secularism of his era without knowing his mentor and inspiration. This work is vital reading for informed Christians.
—James A. De Jong, President (ret.), Calvin Theological Seminary
Van Dyke offers a well-grounded and stimulating introduction to the insights of the Dutch politician and historian Groen van Prinsterer as laid down in his book ‘Ongeloof en Revolutie’. Groen’s ideas are very relevant for today in addressing the issue of the presumed incompatibility between modernity and religious faith. The uniqueness of Groen is not that he wrestled with this problem—many of his contemporaries did so also—but that he defied the times by invalidating this incompatibility intellectually. His arguments against the divide between religion and modernity convinced many and changed the nature of Christianity in modern times from a faith on the defensive into a driving force in our reflection on the interaction between religion and society. Reading Groen is a power breakfast that energizes for a new day. —George Harinck, Free University Amsterdam
Paperback, 280 pages, notes, bibliography, Index of Names, Index of Subjects, Scripture Index
USD 15.95 / CAD 20.95