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His Early Development
by Kok, John H.
A scholarly exposition and analysis of the early theism of well-known Reformed, Dutch philosopher Dirk H.T. Vollenhoven (1892-1978), who was Professor of Philosophy at the Free University in Amsterdam from 1926 to 1963. Although his vision and work continue to influence many within the Reformed tradition, little has ever been written about his philosophical endeavors. Those who know the name associate Vollenhoven with Reformational Philosophy and his work in the history of philosophy. This book presents a careful and well-documented exposition of Vollenhoven's early thought and philosophical development through 1926. At the time, he was a staunch defender of theism and dualism, but also, at least when it came to the philosophy of mathematics, of intuitionism. He placed himself in a tradition that went back to St. Augustine via Rene Descartes and Immanuel Kant. His discussion partners are, among others, the Austrian thinker Alexius Meinong, the German neovitalist Hans Driesch, the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, and the Dutch mathematician L. E. J. Brouwer. The development that is traced in this volume touches on a number of foundational questions that would continue to influence Vollenhoven in his later work: God, world, and invariant laws; the identity of being and thinking; time, the rest of being, and the change of becoming; a theory of relations and of objects; and a view of the logos, communicated truth, and the place of analogies.
Paperback, 393 pages, Bibliography, index.
USD 34.95 / CAD 49.95