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Van scheurmakers, onruststokers en geheime opruijers…
De Afscheiding in Overijssel
by Pereboom, F., Hille, H., Reenders, H., editors
The Dutch government intolerant? This book offers the evidence about a dark chapter in the 19th century. Several authors detail aspects of the Secession of 1834, whose followers were commonly known as the Afgescheidenen. The Netherlands Reformed Church leaders called them schismatics (scheurmakers), while the government looked at them as troublemakers (onruststokers) or secret agitators (geheime opruijers). In this book seven historians review events surrounding the Secession. They examine the story of the Seceders, whose harassment was justified by an obscure law against rioters (at one point, a local mayor forcibly with pistol drawn ended a ‘forbidden' church service conducted at an isolated farm) and also provides the context in which these incidents could take place. Overijssel social history at its best.
Paperback, 400 pages, illustrated, notes, bibliography, index, special import, text in Dutch. Limited supply.
USD 22.95 / CAD 29.95