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Historical Directory of the Christian Reformed Church
by Richard H. Harms
This is the first single directory of historical information of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), a denomination of 280,000 members with congregations in the United States and Canada, but particularly numerous in Michigan, Ontario, California, and Iowa. The denomination was founded by approximately 1,200 Dutch immigrants (about 300 families) in Michigan who left the Reformed Church in America (RCA) in 1857. Initially determined to remain Dutch in character, following World War I English became the common language in the CR churches. Since the 1960s, the denomination has become multi-ethnic with significant Korean, Spanish and Chinese segments. The directory presents a thumbnail sketch on each congregration and minister, and lists, among others, missionaries, Calvin Seminary and College personnel, and Synod chairmen.
Paperback, 511 pages,
USD 19.95 / CAD 26.95