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The Battle for Ginkel Heath near Ede
17 and 18 September 1944
by Verhoef, C.E.H.J.
British paratroopers remember the Ginkel Heath often with mixed emotions but is far less known among the Dutch public. Here may be why. Even now, decades after the actual landing, the Battle of Arnhem – Operation Market Garden - still is seen as a most telling defeat by many people. The fierce and bloody fighting for the bridges across the river Rhine is perhaps one of the most widely known episodes in WWII history. Scores of books, newspaper articles, documentaries and even some feature films have been dedicated to the planning and execution of Field Marshal Montgomery’s plan of attack. As the liberation of the northern part of Holland only seemed a matter of time, its tragic outcome had traumatic consequences for all those who participated in the fighting. The heroic and valiant actions by the British and Polish airborne troops at the Arnhem road bridge and in the Oosterbeek perimeter, which latter acted as bridgehead around the headquarters of the 1st British Airborne Division at Hotel Hartenstein, are very well known. Less well-known are the events at Ginkel Heath, east of Ede, where nearly two thousand British parachutists landed on 18 September 1944, an event commemorated each year. In most written and oral reports on the Battle of Arnhem, hardly any attention is paid to the fighting on the heath near Ede which this book corrects.
Paperback, 124 pages, Illustrated, maps, notes, index, special import.
USD 14.95 / CAD 19.95