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Geschiedenis van de Gereformeerde Kerk van Kampen, 1895-1994 Geschiedenis van de Gereformeerde Kerk van Kampen, 1895-1994

by Leih, drs. H.G.

Students of recent Dutch church history quickly will find “Kampen” on their way, the town which since 1854, has been home to the Theological College of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (GKN). In many ways “Kampen” is synonymous with the history of the GKN. It therefore is understandable that the history of the local church also has implications beyond its catchment area. The first three chapters of the book cover the pre-1895 period and close with the 1895 decision to merge the local 1834 Secession and 1887 Doleantie churches. In the following chapters the author shows how issues raised throughout the country also mirror local situations, including the 1940s struggles, which are followed by a lengthy process towards merger with the Netherlands Reformed Church, the NHK. The book foremost shares the local GKN history.

Hardcover, 286 pages, richly illustrated, bibliography, index, Dutch language only

USD 14.95 / CAD 19.95

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