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The Scout Series - All 7 volumes
Order this collector's dream to many boys
by Prins, Piet
Join Scout, Tom’s very intelligent four-legged friend on his adventures with his master, and master’s chums Carl and Bert. The stories detail courageous efforts to help liberate their village at the end of WWII and to locate a missing prisoner, and involves retreating German soldiers and an advancing Canadian army (The Secret of the Swamp), a holiday near the German border when they get entangled with smugglers (The Haunted Castle), a spring vacation involving a dangerous poacher, unsolved burglaries and a mysterious fire (The Flying Phantom), a sailing holiday which is interrupted by a dangerous gang (The Sailing Sleuths), a seashore stay at the hunting lodge of a medieval castle which has them meet a ghost (The Treasure of Rodensteyn Castle), a summer holiday on the farm which turns into a sleuthing adventure (The Mystery of the Abandoned Mill), and a very challenging journey on foot to the intriguing house of Uncle Bob, who returned from North America to retire ‘home’ (Distant Journey). Piet Prins will help reluctant boys and girls become avid readers. A Christian teacher who became a newspaper editor and Dutch parliamentarian, Prins (pseudonym of Piet Jongeling) wrote the stories as serials for his newspaper.
USD 64.95 / CAD 79.95