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Frontiers and Sanctuaries
A Woman's life in Holland and Canada
by Brandis, Marianne
The story of the challenges of women in the twentieth century told through the life of Madzy Brender a Brandis by her daughter Marianne. Madzy (1910-1984) had experienced war, immigration, and was a pioneer, wife, and mother, writer, painter, and invalid. Through her mother's notes, fiction, historical works, letters, and diaries, Marianne reconstructs Madzy's upper-middle-class childhood and youth in Holland before WWII, her struggle to keep herself and her small children alive during the war, and her emigration to Canada (they pioneered in the Terrace, BC, vicinity but moved later to Ontario) with her family in 1947. Revisit adaption to war, a new language, culture and pioneer life through this vivid story.
Hardcover, 415 pages, Illustrated, notes, index
USD 32.95 / CAD 39.95