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Het Katholieken boek
by Pijfers, Herman, editor
This pictorial volume covers Dutch Roman Catholic social and church history in six very interesting but unique periods. The book starts with the Restoration of 1853, continues with 'The flock, the shepherd, 1890-1920,' 'Good Catholic 1890-1920,' Unrest, 1945-1970,' Crisis, 1970-1990,' and 'Surviving, 1990-2005,' and provides a look into family life and traditions, religious, school and organizational activities. Brief captions in the Dutch language provide each of the one-thousand-word-images their context and frequently a physical location. Anyone looking through this book will (re)connect and bring alive aspects of their (family) history.
Hardcover, 416 pages, Pocket size, 416 pages with nearly 400 photographs, Dutch text, Special import
USD 16.95 / CAD 19.95