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Chicken with roasted fennel
Kip met geroosterde venkel
Tags: Meats & Fish
4 chicken fillets of 125gr/5 oz. Each
8 slices of Parma ham/prosciutto
1 fennel root
400 grams/14 oz. zesty pasta sauce
250 grams/9 oz. green beans
4 tbsp freshly chopped sage
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Cooking time one hour. For four people.
Preheat the oven to 200ºC/395ºF. Mix the sage with 2 tbsp oil and brush over the chicken fillets. Wrap these in the ham. Put them in a shallow oven dish and cook for 20 minutes. Then add the tomato/pasta sauce, put back in the oven for another 5 minutes.
Slice the fennel, brush with the rest of theolive oil and sautee them in a non-stick frying pan for about 15 minutes until golden brown on both sides.
Blanch the green beans (put the beans into boiling water and allow the water to just boil again) for 4 minutes, and drain.
Serve the fennel slices and green beans with the chicken fillets.