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Tags: Meats & Fish
600 grams (1lb 5 oz) veal, beef, chicken, or turkey
salt and pepper
1 dl (1/2 cup) white wine
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 clove
2 bay leaves
piece of mace
2 sprigs parsley, finely chopped
lemon juice
3/4 tsp thyme
lemon peel
50 grams (2 oz) butter or margarine
40 grams (1.5 oz) flour
corn starch or gelatin
3 eggs
4 cups fine breadcrumbs
or Dutch rusks (beschuit)
oil to deep-fry
When opting for chicken or turkey meat, use ‘leftovers,’ in other words cook the turkey or chicken a day ahead.
When using veal or beef, start with fresh meat.
Season the veal or beef with salt and pepper. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a large frying pan. Put in the meat, add the wine, the onion, parsley, clove, thyme, mace, bay leaves, and lemon peel and 5 decilitre (2 cups) of water. Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and let it simmer for 45 minutes to an hour. The meat should be tender.
Remove the meat and finely chop or cut into small pieces. Strain and keep the stock.
Melt 50 grams of butter in the frying pan, stir in the flour and keep stirring for a few minutes on low heat. Slowly and gradually add the stock and cook over moderate heat, stirring until the sauce is smooth and thick. Add more flour, or corn starch (maizena) or dissolved gelatin if necessary. Add 3 egg yolks (set the whites aside to use later).
Add the veal, beef, chicken or turkey, season more, if needed. Stir well. The mix should be thick and stiff by this time.
Set the mix aside to cool thoroughly. When ready, cut or separate the stiff, thick mix into rolls of about 5cm (2”) thick and about 8cm (3”) long.
On a chopping board spread out the crumbs or crumbed rusks. In a deep plate slightly beat the egg whites.
Roll the croquettes through the breadcrumbs, then through the egg whites and again through the crumbs. Make sure that the second crumbs coating is even and thick and no meat mix sticks out (this could make the croquettes burst when deep fried).
Deep fry the croquettes four or so at a time for about 4 minutes, until they are golden brown. Drain them on absorbent paper.
Serve hot, with French fries or multigrain bread or rice. Put them halved on bread. A good way to season is to slather on mustard.